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All specializations make use of either Corruption and/ or Immolate, only Affliction makes use of Unstable Affliction instead of Immolate. This Best in Slot Gear guide will list the recommended gear and enchants for your Class and Role. InternalCooldowns - Shows the internal cooldowns of trinkets/rings/back. It completely replaces the default Blizzard UI at every level with a new and better interface. Hit cap is determined by the level of the target, with level 83 raid bosses requiring +17% chance to Hit, while level 80 trash mobs require only +4%. jonesboro ar craigslist Sep 6, 2018 · WotLK Affliction Lock PVE Guide. Note that these addons are mostly relevant to WotLK PvP. Whats the best DPS spec for warlock? Im playing destro (3. An affliction warlock's damage is based on several spells with very high damage per cast time which do damage over time instead of having a cooldown. You all may know me as Lynea, and I have retail experience with Retribution specifically for many years now. bellevue craigslist You will have a shortcut Icon for World of Warcraft on your desktop, go ahead and delete it 1 2 3 4 (5). Destro is overall stronger for arenas/bgs due to it's high damage burst and quick casts, but affliction can heal for days if there isn't any hard CC on you. On Molten, Destro is the most working spec. Emirates is bringing its new premium economy product to 105 additional Boeing 7. -> mh + oh is better for raid buffing demo lock as well Hello warlocks, Im about to share with you few little tips of each specs that will increase your dps as warlock. pyramid trigger problems Thanks and sorry about my terrible english, i'm not native. Guest. ….

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